Top 10 Habits of Healthy Effective and Intelligent People:
Habits of healthy people:
I am going to discuss the ten habits of a healthy and long-lasting person. These habits have been through a whole bunch of books that I have read and articles that I have read and even studies that I have looked at reports from and these are some habits of people who do live a very long and healthy life.
So we are gonna take a look at them and see if you can break them down and implement them into your own life so that you can be healthier and hopefully live longer.
1. Move around for at least thirty minutes a day
Physical activity has all kinds of benefits from psychological to physiological to all kinds of even your friendships. The quality of your friendships can increase just by moving around for 30 minutes a day because it increases the healthiness of the neurons in the brain.
Now I would suggest this 30 minutes of movement is a bare minimum and if that bare minimum is a struggle make it something that you enjoy doing like playing a sport. If you like lifting then go and lift. If you like running then go and run for sometime. If you like running do not go and lift if that is not what’s going to motivate you to move around for 30 minutes a day.
2. Have a favorite sport
Personally, I am not much of a sports guy but I do enjoy playing basketball with some friends and I think this helps a lot and moving around for 30 minutes a day in fact when I go out and play basketball with my friends.
I do not even realize 30 minutes have passed. It is usually an hour or two hours and then the gyms close and it’s like wow. I did not realize I spent that much physical activity enjoying the time with my friends.
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3. Educate themselves about the food
This is something that a lot of people struggle with because there are a lot of myths and bad information on the internet but what you can do is sort them through. So just read as much as you can and you will kind of start to understand. This is a myth I do not need to believe this.
This is a bad article. This website gives out horrible information. It is just something that you do overtime. You just have to continually educate yourself about the food, about macronutrients, about calories even technical stuff like how to build muscle, how to lose weight that stuff is super important, and being healthy.
4. Have a meal plan
This is not something that I have really implemented in my life but I do kind of have a schedule and what it is is I have certain meals that I go through my day and I know these are healthy enough they do not have any major carcinogens.
If I eat them throughout this time of the day but I generally feel great afterward so having a meal plan or at least a meal schedule is something that a lot of healthy people have in their life.
5. Sex
I know a lot of people might actually get offended about this but loving intimate sex is what this means not a fling or a weekend thing. It is just that loving intimate sex produces way more total beneficial hormones in your brain than a weekend fling does.
If you do weekend flings one-night stands every week you can actually start to form addiction and the dopamine quality in your brain will start to reduce and that can actually become a negative habit that you will have to get rid of later on.
So always try to form loving relationships with people and within those intimate relationships I have found that people that are super healthy and live a long time together have sex quite often.
6. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day
I have carried around a 2 liter bottle of water for some people. It is going to be a ton of water especially if you are used to drinking pop or soda throughout the day. I drank a lot of tea when I was little. So switching from tea to water was quite a challenge.
But now for the past like 6 months I have not drinkin anything other than specifically water or milk and I have noticed that I pee an awful lot and my mood is way better when I wake up like when I go to bed right before I chug usually like 8 ounces of room-temperature water.
What happens is for some reason that helps me get to sleep better and when I wake up boom. I am ready to go usually because I have to pee really bad but it wakes me up. It is like almost like a cold shower. So drinking tons of water is something that a lot of healthy people do.
7. Go outside a lot
I got all types of healthy things on this from two hours to eight hours of sunlight but I do know sunlight can cause skin cancer. If you do not protect yourself from it well enough but your body will start to produce more nutrients from the sunlight like vitamin D.
I think is one of the main ones and people can actually start to get depressed if the natural sunlight is taken away from them. It is called seasonal affective disorder. So there are proven benefits of having sunlight.
8. At least Seven hours of quality sleep
There are all kinds of tips that I could name here to help you have quality sleep and that is what’s important because you can have sleep but if the lights are on and there is a weird noise in the background, you are not going to have quality sleep try to keep the light off don’t have any caffeine for less than six hours before you go to sleep.
Turn down most of the lights even on your phone. There should be like a brightness thing that you can turn down I do not recommend working out or eating an hour before you go to bed. Seven hours of quality sleep it will help you become a more healthy.
Then another benefit is you will probably live longer sleep has been correlated to health over many years in many studies and it is just I am not going to doubt that I am going to get quality sleep and I urge you to do the same.
9. Meditate frequently
Meditation is not something that I normally did growing up but I have read many studies and have had many testimonials of people who have meditated that it actually improves the quality of their life from handling their emotions better to improve their sleep quality to even feeling more peaceful throughout the day.
Just a couple minutes of meditation right after you wake up or right before you go to bed can increase I think it is called grey matter in your brain and I think technically do not quote me on this. I think technology can increase your IQ over time now that is not quoted so do not take that to the bank.
10. Smile
Smile a lot of healthy people for some reason I do not know if it is correlation or causation but they smile a lot maybe they are healthy because they smile or maybe because they smile a lot they are healthy I just know there is a correlation between this.
So I am gonna put myself in a lot of situations where I can smile, where I am happy, where I am fulfilled and joyful and just motivated to do stuff throughout the day because there have been times in my life where I was not like that and I would choose the happier joyful motivated moments anytime.