Herbal Home Medication Indigenous Tips or Indigenous Recipes:
Before the advent of modern times, when man was not developed, even when he was ill or had a problem, he used to resort to indigenous tips. And these tips were very effective after use.
Indigenous tips are used in modern times, but they are no longer widely used.
Indigenous tips and methods were used and it is even said that in those days milk, honey and various ingredients were used to maintain its beauty, which fades with time. As time passed and man progressed and invented new things for his comfort, he also started using indigenous products as well as various ingredients in the market such as creams, bleach, and many other items to maintain his beauty. ۔
While with the use of this cream, etc., the result of several days is obtained in a few minutes, its effects are not cured and its effect is not lasting.
But when it comes to indigenous and domestic methods, their side effects are negligible and at the same time their results are long lasting.
Some Indigenous tips or Home Made Tips:
The effects of aging on the skin with the use of indigenous tips are very small.
Take out the cucumber juice and mix half a teaspoon of rose water and half a teaspoon of glycerin in it and apply it on the face and after half an hour wash it off with cold water. It makes the face soft and smooth and white.
To make your face beautiful, apply yoghurt in a basin to make a homemade bleach.
Apply turmeric in milk for cleansing and apply on the face. The face will look clean, soft, pink and beautiful.
Grind fenugreek leaves and mix lemon juice in it to get rid of nail pimples. Nail pimples will be eliminated.
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Applying cucumber juice on dark circles around the eyes removes dark circles
When you sleep at night, apply milk on your hands and face. This will eliminate wrinkles on your face and hands as well as whiten your complexion.
If for some reason your hands are stiff, dull, and wrinkled, apply glycerin at night and sleep with gloves on your hands. Before washing in the morning, rub your hands and alternately rub one hand over the other. Press with help Repeat this process ten to fifteen times. With this process you will feel the difference in a few days
Mixing glycerin in rose water and applying it on the face before going to bed at night opens the withered face.
Cut the tomato pieces and apply them on the face, neck and hands to make the skin clear and transparent.
If your nails are broken, take a clove of garlic and rub it on the whole nail and leave it for a while and then wash it, it will not break the nails and will be clear, transparent and shiny.
There is no need to worry if you cut vegetables and your hands take on the color of vegetables
Apply any lotion or Vaseline before doing any of these chores and when you are done, wash your hands with lukewarm water. If you feel the need, wash your hands with soap. You will clean your hands thoroughly and any vegetable color. Will not remain
Boil mint leaves in water and drink it while looking at it.
Applying lemon juice on the face makes the color blonde.
Carrots turn white and red.
Boil water in a pot and steam it on the face. Closed pores will open and dust will be removed from the face.
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Honey is best used in case of cold.
In winter, there are often complaints of cough, etc., and many treatments do not help, in which case honey is considered the best medicine.
The best treatment for cough is considered to be Malathi and this is my personal observation. Malathi is the best treatment for cough no matter what.